What is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is the art and science of gently moving the bones of the spinal column and extremities back into their proper bio- mechanical positions, in order to restore nerve impulses from the brain, increase flexibility, and restore spinal health and balance.
Is chiropractic safe?
Yes. Dr. Beck is careful to utilize many different chiropractic techniques, tailoring each treatment according to a particular patient’s needs. From babies to seniors to top athletes, automobile accident victims, and prenatal care, Dr. Beck chooses appropriate treatments that vary from very gentle touch to more force when necessary.
Do chiropractors “crack” bones?
No! In fact the noise that you hear is not the bones at all. It’s simply the release of gasses in the joints that are released when the chiropractic adjustment is made.
Once you go to a chiropractor, do you always have to go to a chiropractor?
After a patient’s acute condition is resolved, many choose to continue with what is known as “wellness care” in order to keep the spine and nervous system flexible, healthy, and working properly. Just as you go to your dentist for regular checkups even when your teeth do not hurt, chiropractors typically suggest that you come in for regular follow-up care of your spine. While the choice is always yours whether to continue checking in with your spinal health, most patients love to come in and feel very good when they leave.