Pain & Other Conditions
Acute and chronic pain can have many different causes including trauma, musculoskeletal issues, and/or serious underlying conditions such as spine or disc disease.
Dr. Beck utilizes different approaches for each individual situation including:
Home Care Instruction
Kinesio Taping
Nutritional Support
Auto Accidents
Dr. Beck has twenty five years of experience managing auto accident cases. He can help:
Rehabilitate your body from physical trauma
Find an appropriate attorney
Navigate your case in a step-by-step process
Act as your primary doctor for referral to other professionals including:
Orthopedic Massage Practitioners
Pain Management Specialists
Orthopedic Surgeons
Physical Therapists
Psychologists and Psychiatrists
Rock Tape Kinesiotaping
Extremity Treatment and Rehabilitation
In-house Rehabilitation Equipment and Home Care Instruction
Supplements / Nutrition Coaching
Nutrition & Weight Management
We are sensitive to not press our patients to buy any products. However, if you are interested, please let us know during your appointment. Dr Beck can provide nutritional counseling, weight loss coaching. The supplements we sell are used by physicians with quality control testing that far exceeds retail brands to enhance clinical efficacy. Some of the brands we carry are on right side of this page.